My name is Daniele Semeraro, I am a journalist and I live in Milan, Italy.
I graduated with an honours degree in Science of Communications from LUMSA University with an experimental thesis about the influence of new technologies on information.
I am a professional journalist. I work as a desk editor / executive producer for the all-news channel Sky Tg24. I am the editor in chief of the tv programme “NOW” about innovation and technology.
I worked as contributing writer at Repubblica.it, one of the most important Italian web-sites worldwide, dealing with a wide range of topics: school, University, trends and new technologies. I’ve been one of the web-editors of Downloadblog.it, one of the most visited blogs in Italy.
Every Sunday morning from 2004 to 2008 I’ve worked at the production of the Mass which is broadcast live on the first channel of Italian National Radio. I have had the dual roles of speaker and of production assistant.
Up to the end of april 2008 I’ve worked for Wilder, a Fox-led company, which deals with the production of TV Programmes for both National and International Channels such as Mediaset, La7, Mtv, Sky. Additionally, I have been member of the Editorial office for the political TV Programme “Tetris” on La7.
I have also worked for Repubblica (one of the first Italian newspapers) in Bari, southern Italy. From July to September 2006 I had a full-time job as the editor: I was in charge of writing a couple of articles on the newspaper every day. This gave me the opportunity to publish several articles on the National Edition and to sign the front page.
Prior to 2006, I took a 9-months training at Repubblica.it (the most important italian news website), dealing with the newspaper’s sections “Scuola e Giovani” and “Multimedia”. For this one in particular I was in charge of creating photo galleries, hearings and video-clips showing the most important National and International events.
During the Winter of 2005 I undertook a 6-months training at the newsroom of Rds (Radio Dimensione Suono), one of the most important Italian radio networks. I was in charge of following conventions and current events, both sporting and political, doing reports and doing interviews to be aired. In particular, I have been instructed to connect up for the Radio every single hour, following events of worldwide importance, such as the whole hospitalization-period of Pope John Paul II at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, his funeral rites and the subsequent election of Pope Benedict XVI.
From September 2003 to December 2005 I undertook a traning-period at Radio Vaticana, writing articles and preparing reports to be aired. I also contributed to the Editorial office of the Radio Programme “Orizzonti Cristiani”, dealing with current interviews, and that of “A tutto libro”, proposing and preparing book reviews.
My main interests: innovation, technology, news desk management, breaking news management, Italian and international politics, elections, data journalism, tv quality control and automation, diction
My journalism skills: management of work groups under stress and 24 hours shifts, management of people in the newsroom, problem solving, crisis management, Italian and international breaking news coverage; deep knowledge of operating systems, audio, photo and video editing, tv and radio automation, database, social media, websites creation and editing; diction, phonetics, reading and spelling of the Italian language; passion for photography and video journalism
Last updated: October 1st, 2023